Saturday, March 5, 2011 has been a long time!

So, it looks like it's been almost a year since I last wrote! Wow, things have been busy. I'm going to make an effort to write more often :)

So, since I last wrote, I graduated with as Associates Degree in Education. Then, last fall, I got a job at a local high school working in Special Education. It has been the hardest, greatest, most stressful, most fun and most rewarding thing that I have done in my (almost) 30 years.

Starting out was interesting. I had never worked with teenagers before, all of my previous experiences were with early childhood and early elementary education, so I was nervous to say the least. In addition to that, I had some experience with Special Education, but not a lot.

The classroom that I am assigned to is a CD (Cognitive Disabilities) classroom. In my position, I assist the students in our classroom and in the Regular Education classes. I have met so many amazing people. Firstly, the amazing coworkers in my building. The people that I work with are so committed to education and to our students. All of the teachers (Special Ed and Regular Ed) that I have had the pleasure of working with are passionate for working with students of all ability levels and giving them all possible opportunities in and out of the classroom. Secondly, my awesome students. They are so fun and I have grown quite fond of them. It goes to show you that just because something seems scary at first, give it a chance, because it could be something great!

On the homefront, the kids are doing great. My son is in second grade this year and is growing up so much, right before my eyes! Sadly, this is the first year that my son has been embarrassed of me :( I am no longer allowed to hug him at the bus stop or at his sporting events. This is extremely hard for me because I am an over-the-top affectionate parent. I just can't help piling on the hugs and kisses. I guess it's all part of growing up...
My daughter is in preschool and doing great, I can't believe that she's going to be in Kindergarten next year! She amazes me with her confidence and independance. She can be stubborn and iron willed, but I keep telling my self that these traits are going to make her a strong woman who can take care of herself, as she gets older.

Balancing out family and work as well as other commitments (bookclub, politics, extra curriculars, etc.) is not easy. I will admit that I have my share of freak out moments. I get overstressed and take it out on my husband and kids by yelling. I am not proud of this. It is something that I'm working on improving. But we all have our moments and you can't dwell on them.

Up next: The Joys of Buying a House (did you catch the sarcasm there?)